Honey and Bees
Gathering honey is not a new concept, and in fact, the first therapeutic exploits arose among the Pharaohs of Egypt, at around 2000 BC. Its properties were already being used to heal wounds and treat illnesses, as papyrus scrolls have witnessed in their accounts.
Going back to when we were small…
When were young, we inherited and learned a respect for this natural marvel. This is ultimately how we were inspired to craft and collect our honey with as much care as possible, using methods that respect nature’s royalty- the bees. It is in the Varoise region, where the forestation rates are much higher than the national average, that we placed our precious beehives. Our nectar is a particular honey of the honeydew variety, a precious honey produced by bees that is made from regurgitated resin from insects who feed off the leaves of certain trees (oak, pine, fir, etc…). One of its particular qualities is that it is more rich in minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. The taste is also likewise unique and surprising: an aroma with a subtle character, sweet without being too sugary. This honey is overall a rare product crafted in small batches that really enchants the senses. What is more, we make sure it is fresh by visiting our queen bees every day for their divine offering.
Honey and the conservation of bees
Our initiatives are focused around a common goal: saving an extraordinary honey and the emphasis on the bee habitat.
The structure of our beehives was created out of studies for the comfort of its occupants. The body of the beehive contains the colony, the queen, and her larvae, as well as a honey reserve necessary to the life of this ecosystem. The upper detachable section ]works as the “honey attic” and consists of displaceable frames. Our bee specialist only gathers this part, since there are no larvae, as the queen bee cannot access this area.
For 30 years, the number of bees in France has been massively declining as a result of climate changes, monocultures, pesticides, GMOs, and parasites that significantly disrupt the bees’ foraging habits by changing their navigation system. A beneficial first step (though not sufficient) will be made in July 1st, 2020 with a total ban on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides, which are the principal cause of death among bees.
Engaging for the cause means sharing
The DNA of our brand is the footprint of this precious elixir that we treat with infinite respect. Even if the amount crafted is minimal, we have made the decision to share it with you. Once you have tasted this nectar, you will never think of honey and bees the same way.
As a result, we have the pleasure to offer you a 100 ml pot from the 2017 harvest just brought in, for an order of 89 euros or more. Take advantage of this amazing deal by clicking here.