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The beauty blog by L'ODAÏTÈS

Tous nos conseils pour bien appliquer vos soins

Tous nos conseils pour bien appliquer vos soins

Tous nos conseils pour bien appliquer vos soins

Tous nos conseils pour bien appliquer vos soins

Il n’est pas toujours simple de s’y retrouver parmi tous les produits cosmétiques. Chose encore moins évidente : savoir dans quel ordre et à quel moment appliquer nos soins. Nous vous donnons donc ...

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Comment notre peau s'hydrate-t-elle ?

Understanding skin hydration mechanisms

Winter's bitter cold has set in, with its damaging consequences on our skin's hydration, and your cosmetics can't and don't work as they should. Find out how to remedy the situation with this insig...

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La datte : un véritable actif à l'histoire et aux vertus insoupçonnées

Dates: an active ingredient with unsuspected history and benefits

As the date harvest gets into full swing, delve into the world and magical symbolism of this super-food, an active ingredient that never ceases to amaze.

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Pleine Lune : le nettoyant qui fait du bien à votre microbiote

"Pleine Lune": the cleanser that's so good for your microbiota

Beautiful skin means healthy skin! Thanks to scientific progress, we now know the crucial role played by the microbiota in this quest for healthy skin. So, the cleansing ritual and the choice of a ...

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L'exfoliation : l'indispensable réflexe pour une peau neuve et lumineuse

Exfoliating: an essential step for radiant, new-looking skin

An often neglected step, exfoliation is more than necessary. All too often, it's considered superfluous due to a lack of understanding of its real impact on cell renewal, when in fact it's an easy,...

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Les caroténoïdes : secret d’une peau saine et lumineuse

Carotenoids: the secret to healthy, luminous skin

Healthy, luminous skin is the result of a combination of appropriate skin care and a balanced diet. Among the many nutrients beneficial to the skin, carotenoids play a crucial role. In this article...

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Le vieillissement cutané

Skin aging

Aging is not a disease; it's a natural, slow and irreversible phenomenon that corresponds to a normal evolution written into our genes. So we are not all equal when it comes to skin aging, and each...

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Méthodes d'extraction et cosmétiques

Extraction methods and cosmetics

Cold extraction, maceration, distillation, supercritical CO2... There are a number of processes and methods for extracting plant active ingredients used in product formulation.

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Hormones et peau : quel impact ?

Hormones and skin: what impact?

Several factors can influence the condition of your skin, including hormones. Puberty, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause… so many episodes that can have skin repercussions.

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Les fleurs comestibles, une aide aux problématiques cutanées ?

Edible flowers, help with skin problems?

You have probably already heard of the “In & Out beauty” approach. Several flowers are edible and are full of extraordinary virtues for the skin. 

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